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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Flat Gimli

In the weeks leading up to our vacation, I was feeling a little sad to leave Gimli behind, since we're together almost every day.  But, I also wanted to take him on vacation with us.  Seeing as its Disney, we couldn't, unless of course he becomes a certified therapy dog... hmmmmmm

Anyway, seeing as he isn't and he'd be more likely to run around and pester people for food and look cute and then want to go jump on Pluto and Goofy and the rest of them, we had to come up with a solution.

Thus, Flat Gimli was born... er made!  We took the story of Flat Stanley and improvised to ensure our little fluff could come with us.

You will need:
- A headshot of your dog/cat/rabbit/basilisk/owl/dragon etc
- Some thick paper, I'm not crafty so I don't know what its called, but it was thicker than regular paper, but not as thick as poster board.  (I'm so helpful, I know.)
- A stick of some kind on which to mount the picture.  Luckily since it was so close to Halloween, we found a wooden cat mask already affixed to a wooden stake, which we adapted for our use.

1. First, I chose a picture of Gimli's head.  Make sure its a close up one so that it can capture the spirit and personality of your dog.  A full dog's body doesn't do so well.

2. Take the mask and trace out a stencil onto the paper backing.

3. Cut out the shape from the paper backing and set aside.  Take the picture and arrange it around the mask to ensure the best fit.  Once satisfied, cut the picture so it can fit onto the mask.

4. Glue the picture to the paper backing.  I used Elmer's white glue and lightly covered the surface of the picture with glue.  You'll end up with something like this.

5. Once the picture and paper have dried, glue it onto the mask so that it covers the cat's features.


6. Tada!  You're done!

Now you can take your favorite creature with you wherever you go and take pictures like...

This one on the Go Carts

Or this one just next to the train.

We have a great deal more on both of our cameras so I'll be featuring them over the next little while.

Mike and I enjoyed taking "Gimli" with us and we enjoyed immensely the reactions of the passersby and the children.  For all the days we were there, there was ONE person who recognized him as a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  And only because her daughter has one.  I guess Disney goers aren't corgi people, hrmph...