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Monday, September 8, 2014

I found it!

Remember back in July when I posted about the missing purple thing?

Well, I found it!

I cleaned out the spare room, no easy task when you consider that it was merely the room that held a bed and everything else that I could toss into a 10x10 room. As I cleared away the floor, Gimli made his way through and planted himself in front of the bookcase.

Now, you must know this - Gimli is a vocal dog. He will talk to you and will carry on a conversation with you at any time of the day.  When he needs help to get a toy that's stuck under something? He clams up. He'll just sit or lie in front of something for hours at a time.

Often, I'll realize I haven't seen him for a while and I'll go searching for him. He won't respond to his name or even to the promise of cookies. He'll stay put until I find him and I realize there's something he's been trying to get.

I looked under the bookcase and sure enough, there was the purple thing, covered in a healthy dose of corgi hair. The look on Gimli's face was priceless! His eyes were wide and he gave me the biggest smile. It was all I could do to peel away the hair before he grabbed it and went to play with it.

You may be wondering why I didn't find the purple thing when I scoured upstairs. It's because there was so much stuff in front of the bookcase that I assumed that Gimli wouldn't have been able to shove the toy underneath. Boy, was I wrong!

Now both corgis have their toys and they swap back and forth, then squabble over one of them, then swap back and forth again.

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